How to be a member in good standing

Max Dana Updated by Max Dana

ArtsPool is built on a partnership and clear communication between members and staff. To be a member in good standing that is supporting this partnership means that, in general, you are responsive and communicative with ArtsPool staff and you are following your own corporate policies and ArtsPool’s procedures, as well as applicable laws.

More specifically, members in good standing:

  • Treat ArtsPool employees and fellow members with respect. We are committed to investigating any allegation of racism, harassment, abuse, unethical practices, or disrepectful behavior of any kind, and reports of this behavior will be immediately escalated to ArtsPool's management personnel per our Improvement Process for Members not in Good Standing.
  • Submit requests (for payments, deposits, etc.) that include complete information.
  • Do not make payments (or request that ArtsPool make payments) that would put your ledger bank balance below $0.00.
  • Limit the amount of paper checks or other payments being made outside of ArtsPool’s payment system and provide quick and complete backup for such transactions. Examples of exceptions that ArtsPool will work with you to solve alternative to our typical system include:
    • Working with youth or other populations who do not have bank access.
    • True emergency situations (few and far between).
    • Unforeseen after-hours required payments.
  • Provide documentation backup as quickly as possible, generally within two weeks, at latest within one month of the transaction.
  • Ensure that creditor-approved repayment plans are in place and followed relative to outstanding debt or other liabilities that are outside of a regular operating nature.
  • Understand your budget and use it as a planning tool, by participating with ArtsPool staff in budget planning and maintenance, communicating significant changes in advance or as quickly as possible, and securing appropriate Board approvals, with confirmation minutes provided to ArtsPool.
  • Provide ArtsPool-generated financial reports to your board minimally on an annual basis. Better yet: send them ArtsPool-generated quarterly reports.
  • Provide at least two week’s advance warning for grant budgets and reports, so that ArtsPool can work with you to prepare these materials. In rare situations of unforeseen opportunity, ArtsPool staff will assist on shorter-term notice, as time permits.
  • Participate in a timely fashion with your audit, partnering with ArtsPool as necessary to retrieve information/documentation, and completing your audit with a maximum of one extension.
  • Manage your staff in working with ArtsPool’s online workforce systems, and ensure that staff submit proper employment forms through those systems.
  • Reviews employee I-9 documentation and confirm review in online system.
  • Do not pay (or ask ArtsPool to pay) any worker who does not have paperwork in place.
  • Do not delay (or ask ArtsPool to delay) any mandatory payments or filings to regulatory agencies.
  • Communicate to ArtsPool any information received from insurance providers and regulatory authorities; review and authorize various insurance audits, reports, policies, etc., as required.
  • Obtain Board approvals on employee handbook and corporate policies, and provide the Board-approved versions to ArtsPool on an updated basis.
  • Follow fair and equitable labor practices in hiring and terminations, and comply with all applicable labor laws, regulations, and requirements.

These community guidelines are crucial to ArtsPool’s success as a cooperative endeavor. Members who operate outside of these good standing practices will be informed of their status as falling from good standing. Consistent operations outside of ArtsPool’s good standing is grounds for removal from ArtsPool in accordance with the Improvement Process for Members Not in Good Standing.

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Member Board relations guidelines
