Requesting changes to ArtsPool's scope of services

Max Dana Updated by Max Dana

Change request process

If a member feels that a task not handled by ArtsPool should be, they can petition ArtsPool's management team through the Member Services Change Request form.

Any material changes to the services list at either member or staff request will be discussed by ArtsPool's management team and the Steering Committee. If and when such changes are approved, the relevant section will be updated in the Help Center, and a notification will be sent to all members via the Attention Swimmers email newsletter or a similar method of communication. 

Material changes

Below are some examples of changes considered material. This list is not exhaustive, but included for guidance:

  • The removal of one of our core services or addition of a new major service.
  • A change to our pricing methodology.
  • A significant change in frequency or schedule of deliverables, such as a quarterly process shifting to an annual process.

Incidental or internal changes

Below are some examples of changes not considered substantive. This list is not exhaustive, but included for guidance:

  • A change to the system used for a particular process, such as the change previously made to move payroll processing from Xero to BeyondPay.
  • A change in method which does not result in a system change, such as additional steps added for a task workflow, a change in the order of such steps, etc.
  • A change in how an ArtsPool staff team or group of employees handle a certain task or process.
  • A minor change in frequency or schedule of deliverables, such as a process occurring in the second week of a month moving to the third week, etc.

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