Edit My Profile in BeyondPay

Julie Alexander Updated by Julie Alexander

In order to set up your profile, you’ll need to enter your personal information through the system.

  1. First, go to the My Personal Info box on the far left of the screen.
  1. Click on the My Profile link in the box.
If you need to change your personal information in the future, you can go to this same section and do so. Your account view may look a bit different than the screenshots in this article if you have the New Look toggled off (located at the top right of the page).
  1. Enter your date of birth in the Dates section of your profile.
  1. Next, enter your phone number and address within the Personal Information section of your profile.
  1. Optional but recommended: if you want to add an emergency contact to your profile. Scroll down to the Account Contacts section and click on the + Add button, then complete the relevant information on the pop-up window that appears. Make sure to hit SAVE before closing the pop-up window!
  1. When you are finished, make sure to click the SAVE button at the top or bottom of your Profile screen so the entries are recorded.

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