Submitting direct deposit info in BeyondPay

Julie Alexander Updated by Julie Alexander

  1. First, go to the My Forms box on the far right of the screen.
  1. Click on the My Direct Deposits link in the box.
  1. Click on the + Add button on the top right.
If you are updating your current direct deposit: you need to first put an end date to your current direct deposit before setting up a new bank account. Click on the pencil icon on the right to edit your current bank account, in the pop-up window, update the Active To date to the date that you want to stop receiving direct deposit from this account, and hit Save.
  1. Fill in the required information: Account Type, Bank Routing Number, and Account Number. If you want to split your direct deposit between multiple accounts, add another one and select the split from the Calculation Method dropdown menu.
You can ignore the Active From and Active To dates; they are the default settings. Additionally, the Name and Description fields are optional, but they are helpful if you have multiple direct deposit accounts and need to differentiate between them (e.g. Vacation account, Rainy Day account, etc.)
If you want to set up multiple accounts with a mix of a flat amount and by precentage, etc., start with setting up the account for a flat amount first, and then set up the second one for the remaining amount.
  1. Hit Save button on the top right to record your bank information.
If you want to receive your payment through direct deposit, make sure to add your information into the system at least one week prior to the Thursday pay date.

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