Submitting a time-off request in BeyondPay

Waqar Ahsan Updated by Waqar Ahsan

Feeling like some vacation time? Here's how you do it in BeyondPay!

  1. First, navigate to your Homescreen and select the Request Time Off link in the My Actions bubble.
Alternatively, you can click on the REQUEST dropdown in the My Accrual Balances widget on your Homescreen.
You can also click on My Accrual Balances to see the balance for each accrual policy and request it directly under the policy you'd like to use from there.
  1. Once you get to the next page, select the Time Off Type that you are requesting from the dropdown menu then select the START REQUEST button.
You'll see a calendar in this view with your previously requested time-offs and holidays listed for reference.
  1. A small window will pop-up where you can pick the Request Type (Full Day, Multiple Days, Partial Day) from the dropdown menu.
    1. Once you select the type, additional fields will appears for you to enter your time-off dates.
    2. Leave a comment in the Comments box if there's anything that your approver needs to know.
    3. Select the SUBMIT REQUEST button to send it to your approver for approval.
If you'd like to see a list of requests that you have submitted in BeyondPay, simply select the meatball menu (three dots) next to the START REQUEST button and select History. It will show you a list of requests (including pending approval). You can tweak the Period dropdown menu at the top to look at upcoming requests or prior ones.

Voila, that's it! Now, you are just waiting for the approval from your approver. You will receive an email from BeyondPay once your time-off request is approved.

If you ever need to view your Time Off balances, select the Accrual Balances widget from your Homescreen.

You will land on the Time Off Balances screen, where you'll see various types, based on what is offered at your organization.

If you are an hourly employee who earns sick time and/or paid time off based on the actual hours worked per payroll, the date in the Accrued To line will be the most recently closed pay period.
If you are a full-time employee who has an annual bank funded to you at the beginning of the year, the date in the Accrued To line will be the start of the NEXT year.
  • Current Accrued: this is your either your annual bank for the current year, or the amount that you have earned to date.
  • Current Balance: this is the balance including hours taken and scheduled, NOT including pending approval.
  • Taken: this is the amount that you have already taken.
  • Scheduled: this is the amount scheduled for a future date that has been approved by your approver.
  • Pending Approval: this is the amount that you have submitted but yet to be approved by your approver.

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Submitting your timesheets in BeyondPay
