Submitting Timesheets

Waqar Ahsan Updated by Waqar Ahsan

ArtsPool handles time entry slightly differently depending on the size and complexity of your hourly or fee-based workforce.

Employees who enter their own time

  1. Have each employee enter their timesheet in BeyondPay by following these instructions.
  2. Remind employees to submit timesheets as soon as possible following there last day of work in a given pay period, but in any event no later than 5:00PM on the day before payroll is processed (i.e. submit timesheets by 5:00PM on Monday for Tuesday processing date).
  3. The approver(s) will receive an email notice from BeyondPay when the timesheets have been submitted.
  4. The approver should review and approve the timesheets no later than 11:00AM on the Tuesday that payroll is processed. If there are errors in the timesheets, the approver should correct the errors before approving the time.

Employees who do not enter their own time

  1. Enter hours and other (fee) payment requests into your company-specific Payroll Request Form in Google Drive. Do not include independent contractors here.
  2. Send a confirmation to [handle] when the form is complete.

NOTE: If you need to add new employees, this must be done in advance of reporting time. Follow the steps for hiring a new employee to request that ArtsPool start the new hire process. If you have any questions or issues when completing your timesheets, please contact your workforce administrator at [handle]

Your member "handle" is an abbreviation of your organization's name and can be found on your organization's information page in the ArtsPool app.


How did we do?

Submitting and approving employee time off requests
